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Bienvenido a Vías Verdes

Green Ways Travel Guides APP - Vías Verdes APP - Vías Verdes

Vías Verdes (literally, "green-ways") are old disused railway lines that have been recovered and reconditioned for use by walkers and cyclists. Exploring them is a different, enjoyable and environmentally friendly way of getting to know Spain, its culture and its landscapes. This is an alternative ideal for all ages, that respects the environment and brings together sport and the great outdoors. Sounds good? .

Green-Ways Itineraries

When the trains stopped rolling over these tracks once and for all, they fell into disrepair and were forgotten. The old lines have now lost their rails, and what was once the domain of wagons and locomotives is the realm of cyclists, walkers and day-trippers. There are 3,300 kilometres of Vía Verde all over Spain. They are easy to get to, and being flat and even, provide no technical difficulties - ideal for all kinds of people: adults, children, and the elderly and disabled too.

It is well worth taking a trip on one of these trails where motor vehicles are forbidden. Not even mopeds are allowed on these routes, which are synonymous with safety and respect for the environment. From north to south and east to west, there are 135 itineraries and thousands of kilometres to be covered on fascinating routes that will take you to stunning spots and reveal a great deal about Spain's cultural heritage. The panels and signposts along the way will keep you constantly informed about interesting artistic locations and landscapes. In some cases there are even guides and guided visits available for certain areas: you just have to choose your line.

Whenever going out into the countryside, it is advisable to take some basic equipment with you: sports clothing, comfortable shoes, torch, rucksack with water and food and, of course, your bike - if that is how you are planning on travelling. In any case, there are places you can hire bikes on certain routes. On your way you will also find accommodation, guesthouses and restaurants where you can rest and replenish your energy. It’s worth to mention that 125 old railway stations have been restored as rural hotels, restaurants, cafés, rent a bike point, office information or small museums...

There are a host of possibilities: routes barely reaching kilometres, urban trails, country tracks through to itineraries of up to 200 kilometres. All in all, an original, varied alternative for those who want to discover Spain's rich landscapes and cultural sites in an easy, environmentally friendly way. 

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Vías Verdes, 30 Años
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Maratón Vías Verdes
Vías Verdes, 25 Años
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
Greenways Management and Environment |
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles