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Bidasoa Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Bidasoa Greenway

Bidasoa is a small Basque-Navarrese river that evokes the border crossing from Irún to France. Precisely its border character, together with its smooth railway, constitute its peculiar hallmarks.

The Bidasoa Greenway recovers a good part of the Txikito Train (Irun-Elizondo) route and offers an unforgettable 42 km journey through the beautiful towns of Navarre and Gipuzkoa on the banks of the Bidasoa river. This road is part of the EuroVelo1 route.

From Cederna Garalur we encourage you to walk the Bidasoa Greenway, but with respect and caution.

There are some road sections that have potholes and it is necessary to circulate with caution, the circulation on the road will be carried out under the responsibility of each user. Longer tunnels have light and are paved, but we also recommend users to use flashlights for greater safety. Likewise, it must be remembered that in some sections of the road sometimes cars of the neighbors who live in the area circulate since the road serves as access to some hamlets. We thank you for not throwing garbage on the road, respect the nature and the environment.

The Ederbidea project connects this greenway with the Plazaola Greenway between Doneztebe / Santesteban and Latasa and through the Basaburua and Imotz valleys and the towns of Gaztelu, Donamaria, Oitz, Urrotz Beintza-Labaien and Saldias.

This Greenway has been executed by the Government of Navarre, by the Cederna Garalur Development Association and by the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council.

In the area of ​​Guipúzcoa (Basque Country) it must be taken into account that the greenway is cut between Irun and Endarlatsa as a result of a landslide that makes traffic impossible. Work is undertaken to resolve the situation

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