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Guadalimar Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Guadalimar Greenway

The Guadalimar Greenway sets off in the company of the river from which it takes its name, stirring our senses as it passes through one of the richest landscapes in these lands of Jaén where the olive tree dominates the countryside. The greenway then jumps from the lowlands bordering the Guadalimar to those of the Guadalquivir, passing through more olive grove countryside. Finally it reaches the hills that bound the Guadalquivir basin to the north, providing some magnificent panoramic views of the Sierra Mágina mountains.

This Natural Trail - Greenway has been carried out within the framework of the Natural Trails Programme of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y MarinoMore info>>

Download leaflet The Andalusian Greenways>>



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 Railway History
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Espańoles
Greenways Management and Environment |