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Del Aceite Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Del Aceite Greenway
An endless coverage of olive trees, along with 13 metal viaducts impressive nineteenth century, are the main hallmarks of the 128 km route in the provinces of Jaén and Córdoba.

On this point tapestry, a closed rail has been recovered as a green route to enjoy an area of attractive scenery and a rich legacy of history. This Greenway is the longest one of Andalucía.

Este Natural Train - Greenway has been carried out within the framework of the Natural Trails Programme of the Ministerio de Medio AmbienteMore info>>The Guadajoz-Baena section of the Greenway has been carried out by the Baena City Council.

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Fundación de Ferrocarriles Espańoles
Greenways Management and Environment |