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Mutiloa-Ormaiztegi Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Mutiloa-Ormaiztegi Greenway

This Greenway, based on a mining railway, is strictly mountainous. It runs high up in the Goierri, hugging the rocky hillsides, far above the towns and villages mentioned en route. 

Its beauty lies in the panoramic views of the valleys which lie at its feet and the forestry which surrounds it.

There is an orientation game suitable for families and children. You can pick the map in the Zumalakarregi museum in Ormaiztegi."

This Greenway has been carried out  by the Basque Government (Department of Industry and Mines).





 Technical Data
 Railway History
 Interesting Data
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
Greenways Management and Environment |