Cookie Consent by Carrilet Olot - Girona Greenway - Spanish Green Ways Itineraries
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Carrilet Olot - Girona Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Carrilet Olot - Girona Greenway

Until the sixties, the Girona-Olot railway was the main transport artery for the rural districts of La Garrotxa, La Selva, and El Gironés. A modest narrow gauge railway (of the type known as "carrilet" in Cataluña) just 54 Kms long, it ran along the banks of the rivers Ter, Bruguent, and Fluvià in the shadow of the menacing La Garrotxa volcanoes. 

In the not to distant future, this Greenway is to be linked by a track to the Camí de Ferro Greenway de (12 Kms between Ripoll and Sant Joan de les Abadesses). Add on the existing Girona-Costa Brava Greenway between Girona and San Feliú de Guíxols (39 Kms) and we can travel by Greenway from the upper Pyrenees to the Mediterranean, a distance of nearly 135 Km.

 Technical Data
 Railway History
 Interesting Data
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
Greenways Management and Environment |