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Pas Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Pas Greenway

Green path from the coast to the lands of Pas.

Despite its small extension, Cantabria is a treasure of evergreen landscapes. From the mountains descend the rivers, still salmon today, carving valleys that lead to the sea. Even one of them, the Real Valley of Toranzo, went up the railway from the town of Astillero, transporting travelers through the outskirts of Peña Cabarga, through the Cayón valley, the Castañeda fields, Puente Viesgo, Santiurde de Toranzo, up to reach Ontaneda, in Corvera de Toranzo. A route forgotten today for the railway but very much alive in the form of a greenway, the Pas greenway, for the population that uses it daily to go to work, enjoy it with the family and share it with passers-by as it passes through the urban centres. The Pas Greenway, long live the greenway!

Part of this Nature Trail – Greenway has been carried out within the framework of the Natural Trails Program of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. More info >>

Other sections have been carried out by the Government of Cantabria and the municipalities of the territory.



 Technical Data
 Railway History
 Interesting data
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
Greenways Management and Environment |