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Ruta de la Plata Greenway (.Plasencia.-.Béjar)
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Ruta de la Plata Greenway (.Plasencia.-.Béjar)

We will follow the route of the Astorga–Plasencia Railway, better known as that of the “Vía de la Plata,” through an idyllic landscape along the slopes of the Béjar mountains, declared a Biosphere Reserve. 

This third route along this railway line features many attractions between the provinces of Caceres and Salamanca, passing through a luxuriant and diverse territory

This Natural Way - Greenway has been implemented within the framework of the Natural Ways Programme of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. More info>>
Resultado de imagen de logo ministerio agricultura  



 Technical data
 Railway History
 Interesting data
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
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