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Ruta de la Plata Greenway (
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Ruta de la Plata Greenway (

This greenway runs along the route of a disused railway line between Plasencia and Astorga.

The 20.2 km long La Plata Greenway starts on the left bank of the River Tormes, very near the Natura 2000 network area “Riberas del río Tormes y Afluentes" (Banks and tributaries of the River Tormes), before heading off in a north-westerly direction towards the town of Carbajosa de la Sagrada, just 4 km from the city of Salamanca.

This Natural Way - Greenway has been implemented within the framework of the Natural Ways Programme of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio NaturalMore info>>

 Technical data
 Railway History
 Interesting Data
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