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Maigmó Greenway
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Maigmó Greenway
Tunnels and viaducts in a land of potters, vineyards, and badlands.
To build a railway from Alcoi to Alicante seemed a harebrained scheme: the broken, almost forsaken, terrain turned any attempt to build such a railway into a quixotic venture. Nevertheless, in the 1920s engineers took up the challenge and set about building a railway. Spectacular viaducts were thrown over rivers and ravines, and long tunnels were bored through the mountains. Although the railway never actually entered into service, today we can put these feats of engineering to good use as we travel along this adventurous and enjoyable Greenway.

 Technical Data
 Railway History
 Interesting Data
Fundación de Ferrocarriles Españoles
Greenways Management and Environment |