Cookie Consent by Ojos Negros Greenway - Teruel section - Spanish Green Ways Itineraries
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Ojos Negros Greenway - Teruel section
Guide developed with the sponsorship of

Ojos Negros Greenway - Teruel section

The province of Teruel is the setting of this route that follows the old Sierra Menera mining railway. 

From the Jiloca Valley to the highlands at the foot of the Javalambre and Gúdar mountains as far as the Palancia Valley, passing through the surroundings of the city of Teruel. Many surprises await us along this 92-km-long itinerary, one of the longest in the entire country.

This Camino Natural - Greenway has been developed within the framework of Caminos Naturales Program of the Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. More info>> Some sections of this Greenway have been developed by the Aragón Goverment and the Town Council of Ojos Negros. 


 Technical Data
 Railway History
 Interesting Data
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